May 11, 2016

Stories from Rainbow Village

There is this retirement community a couple of blocks away from me. Once or twice a week we go visit the people who live there, but especially one Sweety we call Miss May. She's a gem! 

Today we went to spend a little time with her and our conversation took a very philosophical turn. She was telling me of her childhood; growing up on a 365 acre farm with 11 kiddos, with no hot water or electricity. She spoke of her mother's incredible patience with her and her siblings, of her modest, yet very happy childhood, and the work she did day in and out... 

I was so inspired by her humble background and her genuine contentment with her life! Before I considered it, I asked, "If there were one thing you could tell the world, one message you've learned in life, what would you say?" 

She didn't hesitate! She answered, "To be kind. Especially to those who treat you badly. Answer evil with good." I smiled. What a great answer that was! Then she continued, "but also, when someone brings a fight to you, just set it aside. You don't have to fight back." Wow. Just wow. 

-I hope to learn to live this way. I want to be kind and to have the self control to walk away from a battle that isn't mine to fight... Picking my battles doesn't come naturally. 

May 5, 2016


I shared a video today about labels. It's on my Did You Catch That? page on fb if you'd like to check it out...

It all started this morning when I couldn't get the phrase "I Am That I Am" out of my head... It's from exodus 3:14, where Moses is talking to God and this is how God refers to himself. I loved it! 

I'm having an ongoing revelation as to what it means, but this morning it really spoke of Labels. We Label everyone, including ourselves. 

I'm asked what I do for a living, I reply, "I'm a stay at home mom," which doesn't even begin to cover all I do, but it's the label I've embraced as a big part of who I am... In reality, I'm so much more! 

I love that when God was asked who he was, he answered that he just IS. "I AM," he says. Perhaps I should stop limiting myself and others by trying to fit us all into little labeled boxes, and instead emphasize the beautiful complexity that makes up each and every one of us! 

God cannot be fully understood this side of heaven, and I believe the same goes for us. He sees the You you may never see yourself, until he shows you in the "replay" when you go home for good. 

At some point in your life, someone may have called you a Failure. God says you are an Overcomer! The world may have called you Stupid. God says you are a Unique Genius! People may say you're a Sinner. Jesus says, "No more! I've Redeemed You!" 

-if you must call yourself something, make it something Good!