July 11, 2017

a Thimble or Bucket; Proper Perspective

In the 2002 version of The Count of Monte Cristo, there is a scene toward the beginning where Fernand (Edmond, the main character,'s "best friend") is telling Mercedes (the woman Edmond is with and wants to marry) that she should sleep with him and Edmond will never know. She refuses him and when he persists, her response is to reference to Edmond's birthday when they were kids. "Edmond got a whistle for his birthday and you got a new pony, but you were mad because he was so much happier with his whistle than you were with your pony," Then she matter of factly states, "I'm not going to be your next whistle."

I can so relate to Edmond's mentality as described here; happy with whatever he's given, to the point that others become jealous of the joy in him.

What a silly thing jealousy is. It effectively blinds you to your own blessings and poisons relationships to boot.

Life is what you make of it. You have this incredible God-given ability to choose what you will do, say, think and more.

My pastor says, "Some people come to the ocean of God's love with a thimble. I want to be someone who brings a bucket!" or something like that, and I love it! You choose how to do or not do life and the measure you use will be measured back to you, to overflowing! 

The incessant whining about what you "Don't have" or what you'll "Never get to do" will only leave you depressed and highly negative. 

Rather, take a moment to reflect on all the positive aspects to your life; what you Do Have and are blessed to be a part of!

A goal I began striving for long ago is to spend at minimum, 15 of the 1,440 minutes of my day saying under my breath, "Thank you Lord for..., Thank you Father for..., Thank you Jesus for..., Thank you...," it fosters a joy in my heart that cannot be quenched!

Yes, some will despise your green lawn, while theirs withers for lack of water, but water it anyway. Fill up that bucket with some good ole love. Open your eyes to see what good the father has in store for you, then see how much more he has!

Always face the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind

~may the joy in you provoke others to jealousy, so they'll seek out your source and find Jesus!

July 1, 2017


I would definitely say I am an animal person.

I see a kitten, no matter how feral, I'm likely to chase it down and try to snuggle it. Yes, I may come out scratched, but the satisfaction of soothing a wild little ball of fur into purring, it's greatness! That said, not everyone should have a cat.

I come to a dog that says hello with a wiggle or nudge, I'll scratch behind their ears and give them a good pat any given day.

Zeus, our chocolate lab is one of the most well mannered and friendly dogs I know. He will sit and you can have him stay until you tell him to go get the ball, and I kid you not, that dog will not move until you tell him to go. Minds better than my kids... And he is oh so soft to pet!

I really love animals, BUT I feel a stir inside about pets for some reason. Not like pets in general; I suppose a more apt description would be "Pets for the sake of having pets."


You know, those birthday or Christmas gift kittens, puppies or fish that the child doesn't know how to care for and the parent's don't have time, money or care for, or better than that, the "Johnny Appleseed has a dog, I need a dog!" When said person has no time or attention to devote to said animal. Not everyone should have a dog.

I guess it's the neglect that really gets me.

My favorite is to see animals in their natural habitats. Zoos make me cry. I know they serve good purposes and I'm not ani-Zoo or anything, but I'll make eye contact with one of the gorillas and just boo hoo; big ole soppy wet cheeks and sleeves.

Too much empathy or estrogen maybe... that or humanity. I just hate to see wild animals in captivity.

Zeus is pretty pampered and I love my dog to pieces, but whenever his days are through, I don't believe I'll have another.

Mom has a cat, two dogs and three fish at the moment, and dad has a ranch, so I can love on all their pets whenever I want, but I feel called to love on people more than animals and there are only so many slices of time in a day.

~your time is precious, spend it wisely.