September 12, 2016

40 Days with Jesus Challenge

So, God has really been impressing some strong feelings on my heart about certain things lately that war with doctrines and methods I've been taught...

I don't have words for exactly what I'm about to do, but basically I'm quitting church for 40 days. This sounds silly to some, I'm sure, but I'm a stay at home mom who's main pastor has online sermons, posted sermon notes, Facebook feed updated almost constantly, other Christian friends with Christian podcasts, local friends who are ministers and an email chain letter system that the local church sends countless emails through, so this is no small thing for me. 

I'm probably going to have to completely unplug from Facebook to avoid it, ask the kind lady at the local church to remove me from her email list, etc... 

To clear my clouded vision and distorted hearing. The goal in all this is to saturate my Intake, my sight and my hearing, with his word, so that I can see clearly His truths and purposes for my life, rather than the confusing jumble of contradictory swarms of opinions and preferences of my teachers. A very personal and powerful revelation is what I'm hoping for. 

I don't expect anyone to "get it" because I've never heard of anyone doing anything like this. Honestly, I expect many of my friends and family to think I'm nuts, but I've decided it's not really their good opinion that matters here; it's the big man's. If he wants 40 days of me ignoring external forces to pay him full attention, who am I to deny him?

I'm actually really excited about this. Initially I thought I'd instead spend all of Sundays cloistered in my room listening to my bible app and following along, but I think God has a bigger plan... 

Now I'm thinking I'll spend every day, during my kiddos nap times, digging into His Word and I'll just follow his lead from there. As most of my family lives a good distance away, I believe I can make better use of my Sundays during this "Leave of Absence" spending that time visiting various friends and family who aren't in church... Call it reaching the lost. Call it putting actions behind the words. Call it whatever you will, but it's about to go down. 

I don't know when exactly all this will start, or what it will truly look like in action, but I feel it's almost the right time. I think I have more prep work to do beforehand, but I'm trusting the lord to work out the details. 

If you want to follow along with my latest crazy adventure, stay tuned! Enter your email to receive my posts as they come out!

-“Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19