August 22, 2016

Christians Un-divide plea.

*rant warning. If you don't want to hear it, don't read it. No whining. My blog. My thoughts. Thanks for the visit. Aaand on we go...

I'm so tired of hearing my friends and family bash other churches/ denominations/ faith practices/ methods of connecting with their creator... Please stop.

Truth is, it doesn't matter what church you go to. It doesn't matter what position you hold in your church. It doesn't even matter if you don't go to a church building because "people at church are mean." What does matter is this: your PERSONAL relationship with Him. 

Have you accepted the truth? Do you talk to him? Do you listen to him? Do you trust him? If you can honestly answer yes to these, you're good. If not: introspect, identify and rectify the problem. 

-the aforementioned *him is threefold; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of God... In case you're new to the faith, in which case, Welcome brutha from anutha mutha (or sista)! 

Social media woes...

I laugh whenever I hear people say things such as, "people are so fake on social media," and wonder if their lives are what we think or see either.

I know mine isn't. *mic drops 

Ok, so let's get real for a second. I've never met a person with a perfect life, who always makes the correct decisions, who is the epitiome of humanity perfected, Jesus aside, so who are we kidding here?

Personally, I was taught not to air my dirty laundry AKA to keep private things private. Do I always do this as well as I aught? No. Do I strive to? yes. 

Point being, perhaps rather than continually finding something to criticize in our peers, shall we instead seek something to acclaim?