April 23, 2016

Sexual Affiliation and Child Safety

With all the hype going around about the "sexual affiliation" bathroom issue, I just want to say to all my fellow Christians, don't bite the baited hook... You don't have to argue about matters you have no immediate control over. Truly. 

Instead, let us find common ground. I believe we can all safely say we want children to be safe, and that seems to be the main argument I've heard presented, so lets focus on that as a collaborative goal... Instead of bickering about the decisions corporations are making regarding the new law, let us all make a pact, say it with me now: "I will do my utmost to ensure any child I encounter is protected, and remains so." 

There. That's better! Now we can all hug and be friends again right?! Don't let the meddling media stir you up so much you forget who your friends are... I love you guys. Let's try to remember we're on the same team here. (Team Jesus in case you forgot) Just because some of us disagree about things like this or have a different perspective, that's no reason to sever ties. 

We can all agree that children need and should be protected by any means, always have and always will, so let's do that. No matter the law. No matter the circumstances. 

Whew! Glad we found something to agree about! 

-may we remain "one body", alive and functional... 

April 18, 2016

Thoughts on intelligence

There is a fine line between Genius and mentally handicapped... The determining factor typically being Perspective. 

April 16, 2016

My greatest joys in life are my babies

In my very biased opinion, children can be the greatest source of joy in life.

Two years ago, we were blessed with a son. I thought then that my heart couldn't be fuller. When we realized baby no. 2 was on the way, I didn't think I'd be able to love her as well as I did my sweet boy. Then our princess came along and again my heart was filled like I've never known! 

As I snuggled my daughter to me and gently rocked her to sleep tonight; watching her eyes flutter as she watched me until she couldn't keep them open anymore. My heart swelled and I had a lump in my throat. 

Those little eyes watch my every move. They see me smile, cry and get angry. They see the movies I watch and the food I eat. Her tiny gaze takes in this alien world around her with me as her guide. That's a lot of responsibility! 

Smelling her sweet baby breath as I kissed her and laid her down, I felt tears in my eyes. Right there, already on my knees, as I laid her down, I prayed a tearful prayer over her tiny body. 

I asked God to teach me to set the right examples for her. Help me make the right choices, and to teach her by example how to be a good girl, a loving wife and a great mother. I asked Him to guide her through life as he has me and to help her to be a light in this world, lit by His love! 

I trust the big guy. He's going to take care of our girl. She's going to change the world! 

-Love is the key 

April 14, 2016

Project: Sanctify the Temple AKA Get Back in Shape

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;”
1 Corinthians 6:19

Yeah... About that. My body makes a pretty sorry temple right at the moment. Having birthed my second child less than 5 months ago and having seldom broken a sweat for many months prior to that, "Temple de lanie" is in sore need of some tlc. 

I believe the time has come to cut out the junk food and sweets again, limit my portions and reign in my cravings once more. It's time to make this body look and feel like the temple it's supposed to be! 

It must be said here, I firmly believe that weight is only a number. I have a general goal weight in mind, which I would love to reach, but in reality I only wish to feel healthy again and to respect the body I've been graciously blessed with. 

Strangely, after reading this verse again, I've begun to feel like I've graffitied the walls of this holy temple, for lack of a better description. I plan to fast, pray and plan a strategy to reclaim and restore myself. 

In all reality, I'm a bit of a health nut and it's more than a little disappointing to me that I've allowed myself to sink to this point. No mas! Change is in the wind! I can do this! I'm even taking before pictures soon so I'll have a reference when I share the dramatic results! 

-food is fuel

April 13, 2016

Lessons learned from jumping the gun...

One day, not long ago, I shared a post on my social media while in a sleep deprived and funky state of mind... The results weren't great. 

I joked about a web site supposedly misquoting 1 Timothy 4:12 as saying “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”

A kind friend of mine gently probed to verify facts and I quickly deleted the post in shame... Realizing the quote was correct and I had read the next verse by mistake. 

In hindsight, I wish I had shared the lesson I learned then, instead of deleting the post! It's something I believe many of us could benefit from considering. 

We all make mistakes and the irony of this one wasn't lost on me... I wasn't setting the best example and in fact I only succeeded in showing my infancy in biblical experience. 

The cool thing about this is I learned another valuable lesson here: don't post on social media when you've had less than 4 hours to sleep! 

-laughing at myself sure makes life more bearable!