April 23, 2016

Sexual Affiliation and Child Safety

With all the hype going around about the "sexual affiliation" bathroom issue, I just want to say to all my fellow Christians, don't bite the baited hook... You don't have to argue about matters you have no immediate control over. Truly. 

Instead, let us find common ground. I believe we can all safely say we want children to be safe, and that seems to be the main argument I've heard presented, so lets focus on that as a collaborative goal... Instead of bickering about the decisions corporations are making regarding the new law, let us all make a pact, say it with me now: "I will do my utmost to ensure any child I encounter is protected, and remains so." 

There. That's better! Now we can all hug and be friends again right?! Don't let the meddling media stir you up so much you forget who your friends are... I love you guys. Let's try to remember we're on the same team here. (Team Jesus in case you forgot) Just because some of us disagree about things like this or have a different perspective, that's no reason to sever ties. 

We can all agree that children need and should be protected by any means, always have and always will, so let's do that. No matter the law. No matter the circumstances. 

Whew! Glad we found something to agree about! 

-may we remain "one body", alive and functional... 

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