June 25, 2017

Does God speak today?

"Have you ever wondered why God hasn't spoken to you? Saturday morning around 3 AM I was in and out of the sleep and apparently was working on several different problems that had caused me some concern. God very clearly communicated with me exactly how to address these issues in my life and they are huge." -quoting my grandfather on a past post to social media.

that question... "Have you ever wondered why God hasn't spoken to you?" it's been repeating in my mind since I read the post some time ago.

I have a theory.

My theory is that God speaks all the time and we just tune him out... yup. spiritual selective hearing.

I can remember one time at a church camp I attended, whenever I felt like God spoke to me. I was thirteen and facing a lot of inner turmoil over some pretty nasty stuff going on at home. I was having a lot of self doubt and questioning if my unconventional and oftentimes inappropriate upbringing would adversely affect my parenting ability.

I had decided by age 9 that I wanted to have two children. A boy and a girl, in that order. I had, by age 13, noticed that many of the people who wanted children couldn't have them and those who had no desire to parent had too many!

In the middle of worship that summer, I broke down in happy tears because I felt God tell me that I would not only have children, but that I would be a good mom. Strange, I suppose, that such a seemingly small word gave me a confidence and assurance I carried into adulthood.

I can remember excitedly telling my step-mom about what I heard, whenever I came home from camp, and her nearly falling over faint thinking I meant right then! I had to calmly reassure her that it was a future promise, not an immediate sort of thing. I learned then that whenever God speaks to you, others are rarely going to understand it the way you do.

I'm crazy blessed to say I do, in fact, have a boy and a girl, in that order. Also, their childhood is turning out to be a world of different than mine was, thank God.

Despite our shortcomings and those of our own parents, my husband and I are doing our best to raise these children up in the way they should go. We're by no means perfect, but we try and that alone is half the battle.

~Have you ever clearly heard God speak to you? 

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