January 30, 2016

Learn to cook with me!

Trying these 20 min biscuits! hope this goes well!!!

Yup... That was a disaster...

The only nice thing I can say about my success with these is they'd make a great stone or rock if an intruder came in to steal my yummy smelling vittles! Definitely not edible though... 

Maybe you'll have better luck! Let me know how it goes in the comments, or be a dear and leave suggestions for me in the comment section below! 

January 29, 2016

Best wife ever!

Let's just say, the hubby was happy when he came home to some juicy steak and bakers tonight... I did my best not to drool just taking this picture! 

I ended up letting them sit between two pans on the counter all day, so they'd age some. I seasoned them with TexJoy, Lawrys garlic salt, powdered onion & ground coffee... Amaza-zing!!!

~Hope your mouth watered!

January 27, 2016

I can see clearly now, my windows are clean

Whilst holding my oversized coffee mug just beneath my face, so the steam from my Earl Grey tea rises and suffuses my senses with its velvety aroma, I realize I've found a calm peace that has illuded me since about two o' clock this morning. 

My sweet little princess started her grunt and wiggle routine, announcing that her diaper was full and her tummy empty, around that time. The next hour or two was a stream of changing diapers, breastfeeding, burping, rocking, and repeat...

Around four-thirty, I noticed she was yawning a lot and had lagged in the feeding routine, so I swaddled her tiny body, popped a paci in her mouth and rocked her to sleep. 

When I went into the room to deposit her into her swing for the rest of the morning, I stepped in a puddle in the carpet. Lo and behold, we had been so tired the night before, Zeus hadn't been taken out. Whoops!!! 

I let him out to poop, and realized how humid the windows looked and decided to take on cleaning windows as my project for the day. 

I managed to bleach, dry, & re-hang 6 window blinds, bleach & clean 9 windows, and had a bunch of other junk done before the little man ate lunch! 

Today is day two of a three day fast for me & I decided to honor God with how I care for all I've been blessed with. 

Life gets so busy, it's hard to keep up with all the mundane chores necessary to a well kept home. I guess whenever we were only renting places, we didn't think of things like washing windows... Well, hello homeownership! 

Now off to watch Aristocats with punkin' head, then off to dreamland! 

~Go with Love!

January 23, 2016

Sunday drivers who forget it's not Sunday...

This is that face I make whenever I've been stuck behind the same compact car, in a no passing zone, for the last five miles, going 45 in a 75mph stretch, and the baby has been fussy, and I've hit EVERY SINGLE RED LIGHT on the hour long trip it takes to visit family...
notice the slightly crossed eyes, widened as my crazy threatens to break free...

I'm glad to say we made it there without me flipping any birds or loosing any colorful expletives! 

Please, if you insist on driving more than 5 miles BELOW the posted speed limit, do everyone with the misfortune of driving behind you a kindness and MOVE OVER to the shoulder so they can pass you and you can continue at whatever pace your little heart desires!

Happy trails and drive friendly, friends!

January 22, 2016

My first attempt at yoga, since buying a mat...

My mother (of all people) was the person who encouraged me to look on youtube for free yoga for beginners to help me cope with stress. Apparently, and here is the shocker if you know her at all, she has been doing this for the last few days and said it has her sore, but that it's amazing!

Of course, I wanted to jump on this band wagon, but with two little ones, it seemed an impossible task during the day. I even bravely (or stupidly, really) tried to start a 20 min session while the kiddos were awake... not the brightest bulb in the box.

My little princess (2 months) loved it, because I was all "downward dog" in her face and it felt like a game to her. My tornado (2 years) loved it too... he used the opportunity to turn mommy into a jungle gym and even tried some of the poses whilst yelling/singing very loudly. Did I mention that he tried the poses directly under me? Yeah, not so conducive to a calming yoga exercise, I can tell you.

Anyhoo, here it is if you'd like to give it a go!

20 minutes of Beginner Yoga

January 21, 2016

Chill out with some tunes, may change that bad mood...

Rum by the Brothers Osborne

I keep finding myself stressed over money lately and I know it will be resolved without my doing anything, so I have no reason to worry, but it's an instinct I have difficulty battling lately...

Franky Ballard/ Sunshine and Whiskey

...then I hear songs like this, look up the video, and they remind me of how my husband and I used to sneak around when we were teenagers. lol. We probably saw each other more those years than we did the whole year before put together... thats what happens when you're 18 and you've been with your future husband since you were 15... lol. BAD THINGS. lol

***Important note- Momma always said, "Kissin' gets you Pregnant!" So, yeah, no kissing until you're married! You hear me?!?

Hope this turned that frown upside down! :P

January 16, 2016

Remembering a Great Man

Anytime I hear this song on the radio, this is the version I'm singing to. Every time it comes on, I remember a moment in my life I had a hard time and this song helped me lean on God and look to Him for How in the Hell I was supposed to make it through it with any sort of Grace, Decorum or Tact...

My Great Grandpa passed a couple of years ago right before Christmas... Two weeks before my son was born... It hurts terribly to know he never got to see him. 

I think of earlier that month, before he passed. I saw him in the hospital and gave him a hard time about just calling me if he wanted to see me... 

He told me he was, "Going tomorrow to the boats!" (His speak for going gambling), and told me the night before, he had been playing cards with (he listed people I've never known because they passed before my time) his friends and he was in great spirits....

I spent many hours with this man, sitting and talking nonsense and listening to crazy stories. I'm so thankful to have had the time with him before he passed. 

I was very troubled at the time because I was told, "Now, you know your grandpa wasn't a Christian Right?!" Whenever I said he was with my grandma in heaven... 

I feel like I have walked with Jesus long enough to know, YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHO IS WHERE. Because You don't have the final say. God does. Not your church, or your religion, or even your pastor/preacher/whatever... 

A person can choose Jesus with their dying breath, or they could even have secretly believed for a long time, but been too afraid to voice it out of fear of rejection from the church or the "Christians" they know, who are not very Christ like in their judgement of others... (ex. Luke 23:43, where Jesus tells the thief on the cross that he'll see him in heaven.)

The flip side of that coin is that a person can also be a leader in a church, someone looked up to by those of their faith, yet they have no personal relationship with their maker in truth, or don't truly believe themselves what they teach... 

Point being, YOU don't know their Heart. God does. Period. Luke 16:15 says it perfectly:
“He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.” Jesus said this to the Pharisees AKA the religious leaders of his time... 

I CHOOSE to Believe God saw that man's heart, just like I did. Yes, he was flawed. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he was hateful at some points in his life. BUT at the end of his life, when it was all said and done and his Alzheimer's and dementia got worse, I caught glimpses of the child inside him. 

We all have one, a child inside. His was sad, scared, repentant, and all I wanted to do was wrap him in a huge hug and tell him I loved him. 

We talked about faith, well it was more like I told him what I believe & he just grimaced like he drank sour milk and kept his mouth shut, Lol, but I saw the hope light his eyes that God really could love him after whatever unspeakable things the military had him do, after the way he mistreated his family because he had no grid for how to handle his life, no good examples to draw from... 

I know this is long, but basically my point is, I believe he finally had that talk with God, right there at the end, the one where there aren't words, because HE Knows your heart.... 

I choose to believe that all of my poking and prodding got through that tough old hide, down to that tender heart beneath. 

God is with you, even when you're ugly on the inside... He loves you and he wants you to team up with him so you can shine again, with his love, like children naturally do... 

“And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3 

January 14, 2016

Why are you smiling?

I can't tell you how many times I've heard this over the years. I even had a girl tell me she hated me once because of it. 

Some girl I didn't even know, went out of her way to tell me she hated me... No joke. 

When I asked why, her answer was, "You're too happy!" 

Too happy?!? Wow. What does that even mean? She didn't have a clue!

Truth was, it was one of the hardest times in my life, but I didn't want people asking what was wrong, so I smiled and pretended to be happy about anything I could. 

Funny thing was though, I got so good at finding things to pretend to be happy about, I actually found myself smiling and laughing and... Well... Happy! 

I guess essentially, I trained myself to be an optimist! 

Look for the good in any situation. Find a reason to smile...  It just may change your perspective on everything. It just might change your outlook on life!