July 15, 2019

Hello again!

When life gets crazy, I tend to go into hermit mode. I stay away from social media, and people all together. Finally, two years after my previous post, I can say I'm at a point in my life that I feel ready to start writing again!

A lot has happened in the last two years, and I'm excited about the direction my life is heading! I'm a firm believer that in every stage in life, joy can be found. We've had many ups and a few downs as well, but overall we are in a much better place now than we were then.

I've accepted an opportunity to attend Texas Tech University and have the privilege of starting there in the fall. We've moved into a house that is twice the size of the one we sold, but that also requires extensive renovations to bring it back from the disrepair we inherited with it. After staying home with our babies for 4 years, we put our youngest into daycare this past fall, whenever her brother started pre-K, and I went back to school. I also worked as a waitress in my mom-in-law's restaurant whenever she needed extra staff, and as a substitute teacher in two districts. We've had a few births in the family and a few deaths... it's been a busy couple of years!

I realized, glancing through past posts, that I used to write about a vast majority of issues, but seldom did I actually write super personal things. In the time I've been away, I've discovered other writers and public speakers who share their thoughts and lives in such a way as to not only promote transparency in a time when media is so guarded and biased, but also in a way that invites others to be honest as well.

It is my hope that this can be the start of something new for this blog, and that lives can be touched and blessed by what I share. I tend to be a more private person, so this will be out of my comfort zone, but I'm excited!

If you're following along, thanks for sharing in my journey!

You are enough ❤

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