August 31, 2019

One thing at a time

I'm at a point in my life where I really have to make the best use of my time possible. I'm back in college with the max number of hours they'll allow, married with two young children who are involved in extracurricular activities and I work at my mother-in-law's restaurant whenever they're short handed. This doesn't even take into account the cooking, cleaning and prepping involved in every day of life with a family. Maintaining such a cram packed schedule, it would be so easy to get overwhelmed and put out work that is less than my best.

My "secret" to successful time management is simple: DO ONE THING AT A TIME.

You can only do what you can do, and getting overwhelmed doesn't do anyone any good. I have to remind myself of this frequently. When the tasks start mounting up, just do SOMETHING. When you've done that, do something ELSE. Then just keep going.

It sounds so simple, as I write it, but it has taken me a long time to come to this understanding, and then to put it into practice. I tend to be an over-thinker and experience what one of my teachers has called "paralysis through analysis," where I think so much about things that I get NOTHING done.

I took time away from my studies today to write this, because it occurs to me that someone out there may need to hear this today. Maybe you feel like you're failing because you "just can't do it all" but you're not a failure! You can only do what you can do, so DO THAT. Do your best at it, and call it good!

Just keep swimming -Dory, Fiinding Nemo


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