March 29, 2016

Be Really for Real You.

We do all sorts of things to fit in... 

As women, we tend to wear bras even though they feel like torture devices, we tend to wear make up despite mounting evidence that it causes cancers, clogs pores and sometimes gives one the appearance of a clown...

Men even fall prey to social conformity by tending to be the ones to mow the grass or striving to be the one in a relationship with a higher pay grade...

Whether on purpose or by default setting, we do things that help us blend in, play our part or "fit in" as society or our cultures expect us to. 


Why should I wear a bra? To make others more comfortable? Why should I wear make up? So I'll look like everyone else?

Maybe we should instead challenge the "norm." Perhaps we instead might do what WE WANT. Whether that means going braless, or it means an internship instead of a college degree... 

Do yourself a favor and quit doing whatever is expected of you, and instead do what is RIGHT for you. 

Sit down in a quiet place and THINK. PRAY. MEDITATE. Do whatever it is you do that helps you process things. Consider what you're good at. Consider what you love. Consider what you hate...

A general rule I follow is this: if it makes you smile, you're doing it right. 

Try it. 

See what happens. 

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