March 9, 2016

Road to Recovery, or Mountain more like...

Whether it be Methamphetamine, Prescriptions, Marijuana, Alcohol, Caffine or Sugar; Addictions affect the majority of civilization. Personally, I'd have difficulty functioning without my oversized coffees and frequent bars of creamy milk chocolate. I'm sure you can relate in one way or another...

Some habits are relatively harmless. Others, not so much... 

All in all, you Won't quit until (and IF ever) YOU decide it is what you choose to do. No one person has the power to make that decision for another. Much like faith, it's a personal decision. We can pray for those we love, or hope they see the light, but bear in mind, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton's third law doesn't strictly apply to physics. You try to FORCE a person to give up their "drug of choice" they'll likely use, do, or drink more... It's proven science. Their equal and Opposite reaction will be the likely result of your forceful tactics.

That being said, Loving someone Despite their faults, Forgiving them the Pain they've caused, and Encouraging anything worth encouragement, goes a long way...

The dear friend and relative of an ex-addict

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