March 6, 2016

Mementos, Time Portals and Love that Never Ends

Memento: something that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or thing. 

I have this pencil; it's a Pentel, 0.5mm, has a dark green eraser and a name taped under the clip... It was my great grandmother's crossword pencil. 

I have no clue how I ended up with it, and I don't fully understand why it means so much to me...

I do know that this one, seemingly insignificant, piece of office supplies has the ability to take me back, way back, to a time when I was sucking on Werther's Originals butterscotch candies and doodling on a legal pad, lying on the floor, while my maternal great grandmother filled in the boxes of yet another of her word puzzles...

I was very young when she died, so I have very few memories of her, but the ones I carry are sweet and gentle. They always leave me a little warmer inside and encouraged. 

That woman was a tough old bird! She survived 13 heart attacks before the 14th took her... Her chest was marked by a long scar, where her pace maker was sewn in... When I think of strength and endurance, she is foremost in my mind.  

She was more handy than most men, and could make something beautiful out of rubbish. From cooking gut bustingly delicious meals, to firing ceramics in a kiln, there was little this woman took on that she didn't master. 

Gentle in manner and kind in speech, she set the bar high as to what a woman can be, but I find myself aspiring to reach it. 

I have many such things in my house, small and seemingly insignificant things, that are like portals to the past. They remind me of those I've loved, or of times I've lived... Like little memories, tucked away, to be revisited any time I come across them... 

-Cherish the Good Memories, Learn from the Bad. #Goals

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