May 5, 2017

A single word that rocked the world, Tetelestai

Confession: I'm totally a nerd. I get ridiculously excited whenever I learn a new word, especially whenever said word reflects something I've always wanted to articulate or is somehow related to something I'm interested in. I had a word come to me from an unexpected source recently and it absolutely blew my mind and drove me to do a ton of research and dig deeper into God's word in a whole new way.

A friend of mine, who is a tattoo artist, shared one of his recent works on instagram and it was simply a word, written in cursive, on someone's hip. The word is Tetelestai. Initially I was simply going to scroll past, but curiosity got the better of me and I did a quick google search of the word. What I found went right in line with what I had been studying through the weekend, due to the timing of his post; Easter Sunday.

In case you are as ignorant as I was about it, Tetelestai was the final word of Jesus Christ. It's actually a greek word that has two meanings; both, "It is finished," and, "Paid in full." I was so glad I took the two seconds to look it up! The more I read about the deep meaning of the word itself, the better I began to understand the sacrifice he made for us all and the mind boggling foreknowledge he possessed of what was to come, then the incomprehensible act of actually following though to completion, knowing the price to pay was his mortal life.

This one word has sparked my curiosity in another way as well, I wonder how many more "word concepts" there are throughout the bible? 

"When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." John 19:30

-curiosity may have killed the cat, but it's truly amazing what it can lead you to discover,

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