May 23, 2017

Delusions of Grandeur

*Nerd alert*
Periodically throughout my adult life, I come to a place where I crave a deep and complex story. I love to read and recently have started to do that again (difficult task with small children), and someone told me there are a gazillion (his word) Star Wars books out there... I foresee a visit to the library in my future! 

Love me some Star Wars. 

I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I tend to prefer to watch Episode IV first, then V and VI, before going back to watch Episode I, II and III (Now there are more, so this may change). The development of the story and a better understanding of the complex and interwoven storylines seems to come out of it this way. Maybe it's just me... 

Anywho, we recently had our annual Star Wars Marathon, where we raid my dad's movie collection and borrow all six of the first Star Wars movies to binge watch (sometimes more than once through).

I love how good movies always have new little nuggets of information for you to take away, each time you watch. I caught one, this go round whenever Han said, "I'm out of it for a little while, [and] everybody gets delusions of Grandeur!" 

He was not the first person in the series to say the phrase, pretty sure C-3P0 said it of R2-D2 whenever the hyper drive wasn't working on the Millennium Falcon and R2-D2 stubbornly fixed the ship in spite of C-3P0's criticism. 

Just a thought here, bear with me. 

In each instance, Luke and R2-D2 carried out the exact intended purpose they set forth to accomplish.

Funny thing about KNOWING what you're doing; from the outside, it may look like you've lost your mind.

Sticking to what you KNOW and doing what you DO, in spite of the imminent criticism sure to fly your way, GETS THINGS DONE. 

as that chunky dude that all made us laugh in high school said, "Git 'er done!"

~You do you, I'll do me, we get a lot more done that way,

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